"Together, We Can Make a Difference"


Harari , Ethiopia 

info@ihsancharity.com  |  +251254669537

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© ICHO 2024

About us

About Ihsan Charity Organization (ICHO)

Ihsan Charity Organization (ICHO) was founded in 2022 and registered under the Civil Society Organization Proclamation No. 1113/2019. The organization's establishment was a response to the growing challenges faced by people in our country, whether due to human-made or natural disasters. Over time, numerous civil society organizations have emerged to address these issues, but many have struggled to make a significant impact. Recognizing the need for a more effective approach, Ihsan Charity Organization was created to learn from past challenges and implement more sustainable solutions.

The primary objective of ICHO is to engage with communities to identify and prioritize their most pressing issues. By understanding the root causes of these problems, the organization aims to develop suitable and appropriate solutions. ICHO believes in direct intervention, working closely with society to uncover the challenges that need immediate attention.

To achieve its goals, ICHO collaborates with governmental organizations and other stakeholders to provide support to those in need, particularly the poor and vulnerable. The organization operates on the principle that collective effort is key to overcoming challenges. ICHO encourages everyone to stand together, contribute what they can, and support those who are in need.

By fostering a spirit of unity and cooperation, Ihsan Charity Organization is committed to making a meaningful difference in the lives of those who are most affected by societal issues. Together, we can create a better future for our communities.